As we lap the 1 year anniversary of many of the COVID-19 restrictions being put into place across our businesses and personal lives, many BID members are anxiously awaiting their chance to be eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine. There has been lots of information out there, but it can be hard to stay up-to-date, and there is plenty of misinformation floating around that can complicate your understanding of when you or your employees might be eligible. See below for some helpful places to stay current in a rapidly changing environment.
This site does a great job of breaking down each eligible group with examples of professions that qualify for the vaccine. For those that don’t have internet access, the state has also created a toll-free hotline that you can call for questions and get help registering if you qualify.
Call 844-684-1064 (toll-free).
Our local health department has a sign-up form where you can get weekly updates on the vaccine, eligibility, and local places you can sign up for doses once you are eligible. This is a more relevant resource to our BID, and useful for business owners so they can keep their employees informed.
A frequently asked question is “can I get on a last-minute list in case there are doses left over?”. That will be a site-specific answer, based on how they handle their scheduling. At North Shore Pharmacy, we do not maintain a list like that, we work through current prescription customers from oldest to youngest in the rare case we have doses left over.
Our team is also happy to serve as a local resource to keep this information simple for you, so always feel free to reach out via phone or email!
Kyle Beyer, PharmD.,BCACP
Owner/Pharmacy Manager
North Shore Pharmacy
Our Vision: To Keep your Health Care Solutions Simple and Local.